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You walk upto your front door and it unlocks as it recognizes the key in your pocket. It is 6 AM, what if your alarm clock communicates with coffee maker and water heater so that they are ready for you when you wake up? This sounds more like a sci-fi movie but this type of future is going to come, thanks to the concept of Internet of Things. “The Internet of Things” is an environment in which objects,animals or people provided with unique identifiers and the ability to transfer data over a network without requring human to human or human to computer interaction.The term Internet of Things is coined by British entrepreneur Kevin Ashton in 1999. Every thing surrounding you is connected to internet starting from small electronic devices like headset, chargers to electrical devices like tv,fans,refrigerator etc,,. Ceiling fan with sense ME technology adjusts the speed of fan based on room’s humidity and temperature,it can also sense whether the room is occupied ,so that it doesn’t waste energy cooling an empty room We are in the midst of the earliest days of the internet of things,new ideas and new companies are popping up left and right and bigger players are swoopipng in to snap up some of the pioneers. Google spent billions to buy Nest,Dropcam and Revolv; Samsung picked up Smart Things and Microsoft partnered with Insteon. The first inter connected appliance is a modified coke machine in 1982 at Carnegie Mellon University,we can know whether the coke is cold and ready to serve without gong downstairs.This concept became popular in 1999,through auto ID centre at MIT and related market analysis publications.Accorging to Gartner,Inc.(a technological research and advisory corporation),there will be nearly 26 billion devices on the internet of things by 2020.Integratiion with the internet implies that devices will utilize an IP address as a unique identifier .However due to limited address space of IPv4(which allows for 4.3 billion unique addresses),objects in the IoT will have to use IPv6 to accommodate the extremely large address space required. IoT utilizes sensors to environment monitering applications.They sense the quality of water,moisture in air .They can also be used to provide emergency services like earth quacke or tsunami warning systems.The use of IoT can be expanded upto smart city.IoT can also be used in healthcare systems used to enable remote health monitoring and emergency notification systems. The IoT will be worlds massive device market and save companies billions of dollars.The IoT will be the largest device market in the world.It is estimated that by 2019 it will be more than double the size of smart phone,pc,tablet market combined.The IoT will result in $1.7 trillion in value added to the global economy in 2019.This includes hardware,software installation costs,managements services and economic value added from realized IoT efficiencies.Device shipmens will reach 6.7 billion in 2019 for a five year CAGR of 61%.The enterprise sector will lead the IoT ,accounting for 46% of device shipments this year. While many technologists tout the Internet of Things as a step towards a better world, many sholars raise doubt about the privacy of personal information. If somebody could hack into your coffee maker and take all your personal data? According to a survey in 2014 ,39% of respondants said that security is biggest concern in adopting IoT technology.A concern regarding IoT technologies pertains to the enviroonmental impacts of the manufacture,use and eventual dispose of all these semi conductor rich devices.Electronic components are often dumped into regular landfills thereby polluting soil,ground water and air.It can be fatal to hums health and they are extremely difficult to recycle.For example a traditional house built with 15 light switches and 30 electrical outlets might stand for 50 years,with all those components still being original at the end of that period.But a mordern house built with the same number of switches and outlets set up for IoT might see each switch and outlet replacde for every 5 years, in order to keep up to date with technological changes. So, with the use of IoT environmental effects can be expected to increase.

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