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A little something about ACUMEN 2016

Acumen is back this year and just like every year, the department’s extra-curricular life has risen to new levels. With 4th year students holding constant discussions and 3rd year students testing their creativity, trying to come up with good events, the JC Bose bloc is alive with activity.

The theme for this year’s fest is the application of electronics in Terrestrial,Aerospace and Underwater environments. Every event idea that has been submitted is being categorised among one of those three categories.

Speaking of events, this year’s events are expected to be much different from Acumen 2k15. One of the biggest lessons learnt in last year’s fest was that a tech-fest needs to have events that are technical in nature, as obvious it may sound, last year’s fest was filled with events that had names like electro-xxxxx but turned out to be games which didn’t have any electronics in them!

So this year, a special effort id being made to make sure that electronics and communication is widely visible in our fest. And that is why multiple iterations of ideas are being done by 4th year co-ordinators to make sure we have the best technical ideas.

One of the highlights this year would be the project expo which would feature interesting projects by students of all years. Almost 20-25 events have been finalised as of now to be held. These include both tech and non-tech.

Not to forget, Newton’s Apple too would have it’s own space in the JC Bose block where we would host our own events and showcase important aspects of our magazine and club.

And keeping in line with the lessons learnt last year, the number of non-tech events has been limited. More about Acumen and all the important details would be published in the next Newton’s Apple edition.

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