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We all know the inventors of bulb,telephone, television etc. but never did we care who made all the little things around us like a straw, a door hinge…and how did they got such ideas??

This column will give you few such stories in every edition…

An engineer was once on a picnic and was carrying few bottles of beverages when he realised that he forgot to carry a bottle opener.He finally had to open it using his car bumper. But this made him think for months to open a bottle/can without any additional opener. That is when he came up with an opener on the bottle itself and this lead him to design a small invention which created a great evolution in terms of canned products.And in this way a picnic inspired Ernie Fraze.

So people, have a good look of your surroundings, analyse your day-to-day problems and think for an efficient way to solve them….who knows it could end up as an invention.

-tech team, newton’s apple

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