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What makes great people great?

Trust me, it is their choice to ‘stand out’ rather than to ‘fit in’.

We all want to be extraordinary and ironically, we all just want to fit in at the same time. Unfortunately, extraordinary people rarely fit in.

Fitting in is highly overrated! Our society has imbibed the fear of doing anything but conventional deep down in our veins. This society by its nature belittles those who don’t follow the flock.

In an insane society, the insane appear to be sane! So, for once chuck the society and listen to your heart.


Those who follow the crowd usually get lost in it. You might have an over-pour of money doing the conventional. But, drenching in wealth earned from something you don’t love will not fetch you inner happiness, it never will.

Someone once said:

“There are people who are generic. They make generic responses and they expect generic answers. They live inside a box and they think people who don’t fit into their box are weird. But I’ll tell you what, generic people are the weird people.They are like genetically-manipulated plants growing inside a laboratory, like indistinguishable faces, like droids. Like ignorance.”

‘Passion’ is not what makes you happy 24×7 but, it is what gives you pleasure even in the pain and which you believe is worth sacrificing for.

If you honestly know what you are and what you want to be, then trust me, you are probably the luckiest. Don’t give it a second thought, just do it!

Another thing that stops people is the fear of failure. The fear of failure only strengthens failure. Okay, let us consider that you did what your heart craved for and in the worst case, you weren’t very successful, or failed as people say. Is that the end of the universe? Is that the end of your life? – Definitely not!

On the bright side we can look at failure as an incredible learning experience that it often is. The wonderful thing about failure is that it’s entirely up to us to decide how to look at it. So, change your perspective not your path.

If you are still not so sure of what you precisely want from your life or what you wanna be, it’s perfectly fine. Well, I’m not so sure either.

But, if you will never step out of your comfort zone you’ll never know who you truly are. So, step out, just decide, take a chance, make a bold move and do something which you love or which gets your blood racing. Only then you’ll know what you are and what you are not!

And yes, it is not as easy as I said in the practical life. Unless you taste a different variety of things, you can’t actually figure out what your true love or passion is. Everyone among us has that one thing which they are desperately obsessed over which is waiting to be found. Seek and ye shall find.

I know I ain’t an expert or the successful human, but, this is what I believe and I just wanted to share it. All I would like to say is ultimately, you should be happy and comfortable in your own skin.

Dare to take a chance, dare to trust your instincts,

Dare to be unrealistic, dare to be unconventional,

Dare to stand alone, dare to be YOU.


Vyshnavi (B.E-2/4)

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